Our Services:

- Menyewakan pelaminan traditional adat:
Minangkabau, Palembang, Melayu, Aceh, Banjar, Tapanuli Selatan, Lampung, Makasar, Jambi, dll.
- Menyewakan pakaian daerah seluruh Indonesia untuk anak2 & dewasa.

Sunday, December 9, 2012


I want to review again one of our beautiful wedding ceremonies. It was Rieka & Catur wedding on March 02, 2008. Labana Collection / Labana Décor were helping them with the decoration, makeup of the bride, groom, and family members, also the ceremony adat, complete with traditional music & dances. The color of the wedding was chocolate & gold in Minangkabau costume & Decoration.

On Akad Nikah, the bride was wearing white brocade Kebaya with silver payet &  wore  small sunting. On the face, we put light make up that would make her fresh and beautiful.

At the Wedding Party, the bride and groom wore beautiful glamorous chocolate & gold wedding costumes with full gold Minang’s Sunting. She wanted the specific chocolate color costume, so we made a new one especially for her. 

The party was held in Seskoad building. Labana Collection / Labana Décor decorated the ballroom with Pelaminan Minang in cream and red colors, matched the bride and groom costumes. The ceremony was start when the bride and groom came to the building. Live Minang music and dances were tone up the ceremony that afternoon.

The wedding was a success. The bride and groom were satisfied with our services. Thanks Rieka & Catur… may you both have a beautiful life together… forever….

Pelaminan & Make Up (LABANA COLLECTION)
- Baju Pengantin
Minta dibikinin baju baru warna coklat (belakangan lagi suka coklat ;p), modelnya nyontek majalah Mahligai. Hasilnya memuaskan!!!
- Make Up
Make Upnya dari Labana emang tebel banget (kata tante nyampe 1 mm nih! ;p), tapi Rieka cukup puas sama riasannya. Sesuailah sama baju & pelaminan yang ‘rame’… Hehehe
- Pelaminan
Requestnya warna krem, biar ga pucet sama vendor dipaduin sama oranye. Rieka sih cukup puas sama komposisi warna pelaminannya. Oh ya, sengaja pilih warna lebih muda di pelaminan biar kontras sama baju pengantin. Soalnya dulu sodara pake sewarna, jadinya kalo di foto ga keliatan pengantinnya.. ;p

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